Product Concept

Product Concept Template

Focus on product vision and market fit
Segment : Strategic Planning

Our Product Concept template is a useful tool for understanding, visualizing, and validating your product vision and strategy. It helps to ensure that everyone involved in the development process is aligned and working towards the same goals. The template captures key information such as the target group, user needs, key product features, and business goals, which can be helpful when starting with a new product or making significant improvements to an existing product. It can also be used as a documentation piece for products that have already been built.

Desired outcome

The template is designed to be flexible and adaptable, and it can help you to clarify your product idea, validate it with your target audience, and create a clear roadmap for success. By capturing key industry trends and the unique selling proposition of your product, you can better understand how it fits into the competitive landscape and how it meets the needs of your target audience.

This helps you clearly define and communicate your product vision and strategy, ensuring that everyone involved in the development process is aligned and working towards the same goals. By capturing key industry trends, user needs, and business goals, our template helps you build a product that meets the needs of your target audience and stands out in the competitive landscape. With our template, you can validate your product idea and create a clear roadmap for success.

How to use this template?

This template consists of 6 segments: Product Landscape, User Segment, Problem to be Solved, Proposed Solution and Desired Outcome. Each segment communicates a set of valuable information and provides enough context. A collection of questions inside the template will trigger the right discussion, helping you streamline your efforts and guiding you to your product vision statement.

Key Trends

Outline key tech, market and industry trends relevant for your product.


What is your motivation to build this product? Why now?

Product Vision

Which positive change do you want to bring around? How will things be different if this product secceeds?


Who are your current and upcomming competitors?

Unique Selling Proposition

What makes you unique, outstanding from the competition?

Your customers and consumers

Specify the persona, user segment or user role that will benefit from using this funcionality.

User needs

If your product was a person, what task or job would the user hire it to do?

What is the product?

What are the main features of your product, and how do you map them to user needs?

Who is making this?
Product Owner
Business Owner
Product Manager
Business Analyst
Startup Founder
Target Audience

Development Team





Communicate product vision

Specify target users

Identify user needs

Outline key features

Set the desired outcome

Product Vision Board presentation cover slide
Product Vision Board slide
Product Landscape
What are the benefits of creating a product vision board?

Product Concept Template

Format : .zip file
Size : 17.6MB




Description :

A collection of various formats to fit your specific needs and tool preferences. Already formatted nicely, ready for you to use it for your project. You can easily modify the branding by adding your logo or color scheme. The best part - get it once and use it forever.

Available formats :
  • PDF document
  • PNG export
  • PPT template
  • KEY template
Also includes :
  • Canva template
  • Notion template
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