User Journey

User Journey Template

Create a representation of the customer experience and understand the journey
Segment : Problem Space

Before diving into the solution space, spend some time understanding the problem and user journey. Our user journey map template helps you create a visual representation of the customer experience by compiling and organizing a series of user actions, thoughts, and emotions into a timeline. This narrative is then condensed and polished to create a clear and concise visualization that can be easily understood and shared with your team. By using our template, you can gain a deeper understanding of the user experience and identify opportunities to improve it.

Desired outcome

User journey map template helps you create a holistic view of the customer experience, revealing opportunities to address pain points and create a better experience for your users. The process of creating a map forces conversation and aligns the mental model of the whole team, resulting in a shared vision and understanding of the user or service. The map can then be used as a basis for decision making and effectively communicated to all team members. By using our template, you can create a shared vision for your team and empower everyone to craft a product that meets the needs of your users.

How to use this template?

This template consists of three segments: (1) User and Scenario, (2) Phases to achieve the objective and (3) Insights and Opportunities. Each segment forces a communication and puts users and their needs in the primary focus.. A collection of questions inside the template will trigger the right discussion, helping you streamline your efforts and guiding you to your understanding of the user journey and activities required to achieve the intended goal.

Specify the user

Who is a specific user experiencing this journey?

Describe the scenario

Can you provide a scenario or example that illustrates the intended action of this user, leading to the goal?

Set the goal

Describe what the user wants to achieve and what is the intended outcome and ultimate benefit for the user?

Identify the gap

Define the starting point and the desired state to identify the gap that you need to bridge with your solution.

Outline the phases

List out the steps required to move from the start point to the end point, achieving the goal. Each phase (step) is a specific activity that moves the user closer to the end goal.

List out the activities

What are the specific actions and tools required to complete each phase?

Identify emotions and satisfaction

Identify the emotion that the user is expressing when performing a specific phase of the journey. Also, capture the overall satisfaction for each phase. This will help you identify high impact - low satisfaction phases that you can improve.

Insights and opportunities

Analyze and study all the steps, actions, and user emotions when performing these actions. These insights will lead you to improvement opportunities and emphasize the user journey's important parts.

Who is making this?
Product Manager
Product Owner
Product Designer
Target Audience

Development Team


Software Architects


Force conversation and alignment

Understand the user journey

Identify improvement opportunities

Enhance team communication

Improve customer satisfaction

User Journey presentation slide cover
User Journey template
How to describe a user journey?
What is the benefit of creating user journey?

User Journey Template

Format : .zip file
Size : 18.4MB




Description :

A collection of various formats to fit your specific needs and tool preferences. Already formatted nicely, ready for you to use it for your project. You can easily modify the branding by adding your logo or color scheme. The best part - get it once and use it forever.

Available formats :
  • PDF document
  • PNG export
  • PPT template
  • KEY template
Also includes :
  • Canva template
  • Notion template
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